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S-Boats in the Kriegsmarine - Loss of "S 34" | |
S-Boats in the Kriegsmarine 1935 - 1945 Loss of "S 34" Boats of Type "S 30" at Augusta 1942 - Picture: Archives 7. SGschw The 3. SFltl camouflaged at Porto Empedocle - Picture: Archives H. Haag Camouflaged Boats of Type "S 30" - Picture: Of Kemnade - Die Afrikaflottille S-Boat taking over Mines - Picture: Archives Künzel Based upon the harbour of Porto Empedocle on the southwestern coast of Sicily the 3. SFltl was employed in operations against convois with supplies for Malta reported by the recconnaissance or in laying minefields off La Valetta/Malta. In the night 16./17.05.1942 "S 59", "S 34", "S 58" and "S 35" of the 3. SFltl were laying a minefield close to the coast of Malta. While laying the mines they got into the beams of the searchlights at Madalena Pt. and were taken under fire by the coastal artillery immediately. The impacts were at close range and "S 34" (Oblt.z.S. Schulz) got a full hit amidships at the hight of the engine room. The damage was so serious that the boat could not be kept afloat. On order of the flotilla-commander the boats started to blow off fog, to prevent the coatal batteries from good aiming and turned away from the coast to the north. While "S 58" and "S 35" tried to withdraw the fire from "S 34" producing fog, the leading boat "S 59" produced fog to camouflage the hit boat and went alongside to rescuer the crew, thereamong a seriously wounded man and two light wounded men. All secret material could be saved and be turned over to the leading boat. Killed in action were a technical petty-officer and to engineering ratings. The premounted explosives in the fore- and aftship were activated under supervison of the commanding officer and the leading boat got underway under gunfire. Due to the ongoing gunfiring from ashore the sinking of the boat could not be observed. Next day the drifting wreck was discovered by the Luftwaffe and sunk by a bomb. The precise sinking-position is unknown but is at about 90 m waterdepth. According to information of Mr. Kevin Aquilina, Malta, the position of the wreck following rumors is at 35°54,2' N 014°33,6' E. According to other rumors it is further out at sea.