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  S-Boats in the Royal Danish Navy (Søværnet)


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S-Boats in the Royal Danish Navy 1947 - 2000 (Søværnet)

"Flyvefisken"-Klassen (StanFlex300)

P550 "Flyvefisken" in der Rolle Seeraumüberwachung - Foto: Søværnet


Technische Daten

 Length 54,0 m
Beam 9,0 m
Draught 2,5 m
Tonnage 450 t
Complement 16 - 19 men depending on role
2  x ToRo 53,3 cm with swedosh TP 613 *)
1 - 76 mm Oto Melara **)
2 x 12,7 mm SMG
4 x 8 Harpoon SSM1 **)
1 Seasparrow Mk48 Launcher (6 FK) **)
2 Seasparrow Mk48 Launcher (12FK) **)
1 Variable Depth Sonar **)
4 UJagdtorpedos **)
60 Grundminen ++)
2 Anti-Minen-Drohnen SAV
Thales Defence Cygnus Jammer
Terma DLS Chemring 130mm-Decoys
2 x 6fach SeaGnat-Launcher
Terma Scanter Mil 009 Seasurveillanceradar
EADS TRS-3D Airsurveillanceradar *)
Plessey AWS-6 Airsurveillanceradar *)
Furuno Navigation-Radar
SAAB 9IV 200 Mk 3 Fire-Controlradar *)
Thales TMS 2640 Salmon VDS *)
Thales UWS 2054
Thales Defence Sabre Radar Warning System 
Propulsion CODOG
1 x General Electric LM500 Gasturbine 5.680 PS
2 x MTU V16 diesel motors 396TB94 2720 PS each
30 kn witht Gasturbine
20 kn with Diesels
Shipyard Danyard A/S Frederikshavn
Design Søværnets Materielkoimmando


*) Originally
**) Depending on role

Boats of Class


Boat Hull-No. Callsign Commissioned Decommisiioned
Flyvefisken P550 OVDA 26.04.1989 30.05.2008 1)
Hajen P551 OVDB 06.08.1989 2008 2)
Havkatten P552 OVDC 01.11.1990 19.07.1990 3)
Laxen P553 OVDD 20.03.1991 Okt.2010
Makrelen P554 OVDE 04.10.1991 Okt.2010
Støren P555 OVDF 24.04.1992 Okt.2010
Sværdfisken P556 OVDG 01.02.1992 02.08.2006 4)
Glenten P557 OVDH 29.04.1993 Okt.2010 5)
Gribben P558 OVDI 01.07.1993 Okt.2010
Lommen P559 OVDJ 21.01.1994 Okt.2010 6)
Ravnen P560 OVDL 07.10.1994 Okt.2010 7)
Skaden P561 OVDK 10.04.1995 Okt.2010 8)
Viben P562 OVDM 15.01.1996 Okt.2010 9)
Søløven P613 OVDN 28.05.1996 Okt.2010 10)


1) 2008 to Litauen, commissioned as P 11 Zamaitis
2) 2009 to Litauen, commissioned as P 12 Dzukas
3) 2010 to Litauen, commissioned as P 15 Austaitis 
4) 2007 broken up
5) 2010 to Portugal, commissioned as P 592 Mondego
6) 2017 to Litauen commissioned as P 14 Selis
7) 2010 to Portugal, commissioned as P 593 Douro
8)  2010 to Portugal, commissioned as P 594 Guardiana
9) 2010 to Portugal, commissioned as P 595 Tejo
10) 2010/2011 reconstructed to diverboat Y 311


A Standard-Container - Picture: Søværnet

Containerised 76mm OTO Melara - Picture: Søværnet

StanFlex 300 as Minenlayer - Picture: Søværnet

P551 "Hajen" in Role Surface Combat - Picture: Søværnet

Y 311 Diverboat "Søløven" ex P 563 - Picture: Søværnet

P 11 "Zemaitis" (ex "Flyvefisken") - Picture: Lettische Marine